The Dark Thrall Mating Olivia

Chapter 51 -

Chapter Fifty

***Olivia POV***

Picking up my phone, I swiped my thumb over the screen, accepting the call. Holding the phone up to my ear, I took a deep breath.


"Good morning, Olivia. I'm just checking in on you." Gloria said and I could hear Everly making sweet baby sounds in the background. It made me miss my daughter even more.

"I'm good. How's my baby?" I asked, sitting down on the bed as I looked out the bedroom window. Watching the leaves fall from the trees.

"Only good. Hmmm, those dragons must not be doing it right." Gloria teased.

"Oh, they know what they're doing." I blurted out before slapping a hand over my mouth. My face flamed and I couldn't believe that I had just told my daughter's grandmother that. "Ohhh, I knew it was going to be good. Everly is fine. She's an easy baby. Aren't you, sweetheart?" Gloria cooed and it helped ease some of the ache that I was feeling. I knew that my daughter was in good hands, but I had never spent the night away from her and I was filled with mom guilt. "So, about last night?"

"My heat started." I said, thinking about how it had been triggered by being with them at Moonlight. The way that it had felt to have Killian go down on me while Jay watched.

"And is it better now?" She asked and I knew what she was hinting at. An unmated female's heat would last for several days. Once mated, it shortened the time down to hours.noveldrama

Easing some of the pain that I would feel when I was most fertile. I rested my hand on my lower belly, feeling the dull ache between my legs. "Much better."

"Good, I'm glad they saw to your needs. Don't think that I'm going to let you get away without sharing details with me when you get home."

"Gloria." I chided, but I knew my voice wasn't as rough as it should have been. It was hard to get onto her when I was so excited. "Thank you again for all you do for me and Everly."

"Think nothing of it. You know you two are family. Even if you've got two sexy dragons for mates. I'll still be here for you guys." Gloria said, and my eyes burned.

I didn't know what I had done to have her in my life, but I thanked the goddess for her. "Thanks, Gloria, I'll be home soon so you can get back to Jose."

"You don't need to rush. Everly and I are playing blocks." Gloria said before lowering her voice. "Don't let Grandpa know, but he was exhausted after his run last night. Seems like he can't keep up with those young men as easily anymore."

"Jose's secret is safe with me." I said. Gloria and I chatted for a moment longer before we ended the call.

I held the phone up to my chin, thinking about how lucky I was. Sure, I hadn't gotten the start that I always thought I would when it came to my mate. But everything that I had gone through

gave me Everly. Without all that pain, I never would have mated Killian and Jay.

Now that I had, I couldn't wait to start our lives together. I wanted them to meet my daughter, Gloria, and Jose. I wanted them to know my family.

They wanted me to set the pace and I would.

I had an idea forming for tonight. I just needed to get home and make sure that I had everything that I needed before I invited them over.

Pushing myself to stand, I tucked my phone into my back pocket before smoothing my dress over my hips. I could hear Jay and Killian talking on the phone in the living room. I made my way out of the room, walking the short distance down the hallway towards them.

Both men were sitting on the couch. Killian was tucked against Jay's side and they were both looking at the phone that Jay held. Jay looked away from the screen over to me, a slow smile spreading over his face.

“Everything okay?” He asked, pressing the button on the side of his phone and sitting it onto the coffee table.

"Yeah, she was just checking in on me and letting me know that Everly is doing good." I said, walking over to my boots. I picked them up before walking over to the couch and sitting down. "Are you ready to head home?" Jay asked and I nodded. I wasn't ready to be away from them, but I was ready to see my daughter.

"Olivia." He said, his voice held a tender tone. It made me wonder if he was feeling the same thing.

"Yes." I looked away from my boots, back at the two men beside me.

"You know we're not going anywhere. We're going to let you set the pace for this."

"I know. I, I just, I want to get home so I can see if I have everything together to invite you guys

to dinner tonight." I said, grabbing a boot and shoving my foot into it before repeating the action with my other boot.

"You want us to come to your place for dinner?" Killian asked and I nodded before standing up and moving to the hooks by the front door where they had hung my sweater up sometime last night.

"Yeah, I mean. It won't be anything fancy or anything, but you guys could meet Everly-"

"Are you ready for that?" Killian asked, moving to sit on the edge of the couch. "We don't want you to feel rushed."

"I want you to meet her. We're going to be a family." I pulled my sweater on before turning to look at them.

Killian's eyes sparkled and I could feel the happiness radiating through me from the bond that I shared with them. Jay's lips twitched into a smile and he squeezed his arm around Killian's waist. A silent form of communication happened between the two of them. But the warm feeling of happiness only increased.

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