The CEO's Amazing Ex-Wife Is Back (Thalassa and Kris)

Chapter 2

Tears streamed down Thalassa's face as one of the officers stepped behind her and took her hands, placing her wrists in cuffs. She stared pleadingly at Kris, hoping he would realize his mistake and save her from this humiliation, but he merely stared at her with nothingnoveldrama

but coldness as she was led out of the room.

As if this humiliation wasn't enough, when they got outside, several reporters instantly rushed towards her, flashing cameras as they came.

"Thalassa, is it really true that you married Kris Miller all for his money?"

"How do you feel after your theft was discovered?"

Thalassa had never felt this humiliated in her life, with people staring at her and reporters asking all sorts of questions as she was led into the police car.

"Wait! Please, this is a mistake. I'm innocent. You've got to believe me," she pleaded with the police officer who led her into the holding cell.

The officer laughed as he locked the gate to the cell. "That's what they all say. You really should've thought twice before messing with a woman like Linda Miller."

Still laughing, he walked off. More tears streamed down Thalassa's face. She'd known that her mother-in-law had never liked her, but to hate her this much to construct such a plot against her?

Her eyes scanned the room and its cold, barren walls before settling on the bed that looked like it had seen better days. This was where she was a place meant for criminals.

Her heart broke a million times over as she sank onto the bed. How could Kris have done this to her?

She wasn't going to deceive herself into thinking that her marriage had been perfect before this. It had been far from it.

While they were dating, Kris had been the perfect gentleman, always putting her needs first. He'd gone against his own mother and his family members when they disapproved of their relationship because Thalassa was from a low class. He'd even warned reporters and tabloids who'd insinuated that she was a goldigger. He'd been the perfect man.

But all that changed once they got married. Kris transformed into a completely different person.

From the man who always treated her like a queen, he turned into a man who made her cry almost every night with his coldness.

It tormented her all the more because she couldn't understand what could've possibly made him change so much.

To top it off, she'd had to deal with the humiliation from his family members, being treated like a servant in their family home. That was what her life had been like for the past year.

Still, she never would have expected Kris to allow her to be arrested and humiliated like some common criminal. It hurt even more because she was carrying his child.

Lassa sniffed as she placed her hand over her belly. She was pregnant, but Kris didn't know about it. She'd found out yesterday, and she'd wanted to tell him, but he hadn't come home in the past two days, and he never bothered to answer any of her calls. The only person she'd told was Karen, her best friend. Aside from her, no one else knew.

"Don't worry, baby. It's all going to be alright, I promise," she said to her belly, even though she knew it was probably still a clot of blood since she was only two months pregnant. "Your father is going to realize his mistake any moment now, and he's going to apologize, and everything is going to be alright. You'll see."

The next three days in the holding cell were the most agonizing days of Thalassa's life. Kris never came to get her out or apologize. In fact, nobody came to visit her. She'd demanded several times for the one phone call she knew she was entitled to, but it was always denied. They hadn't even given her a chance to call a lawyer.

Thalassa had no doubt that this was all Linda Miller using her influence. Was the woman truly intent on having her jailed for something she never did?

On the evening of the third day, Thalassa was lying on the prison bed crying silently to herself when she suddenly heard the sound of the prison cell being unlocked.

She quickly sat up, her eyes widening with hope as she saw Mr. Sawyer, Kris's family lawyer.

"You're lucky that the Miller family decided to drop the charges. You're being released," the officer said.

Thalassa's heart leapt with joy. Finally, Kris had realized his mistake. He was surely going to apologize for not trusting her earlier. Everything was going to be alright.

"Thank you so much," she said to the lawyer as she wiped her tears. "But where...where is Kris?"

She stepped outside of the cell, looking down the hallway to see whether Kris was standing anywhere there, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Kris didn't come with me," the lawyer clarified. "He merely sent me to drop the charges and have you released."

Thalassa's heart sank, but she quickly smiled. Kris was probably too busy, that's why he couldn't come, but he was obviously waiting for her at home.

Everything was going to be fine, she assured herself again.

The lawyer began walking to the main station, so Thalassa followed. The cops had taken her handbag and her phone yesterday, so she was led to sign some documents to finally have her things back. Once she was done, she turned to the lawyer. "Didn't Kris send a chauffeur? Or are you going to be driving me home?"

The lawyer looked at her. "That's one thing I wanted to talk to you about."

Thalassa's heart skipped a beat. "What about?"

Without answering, the lawyer brought out some papers from his bag and handed them over to her. Thalassa's heart sank as she stared at the words boldly written on top of the first page. DIVORCE AGREEMENT.

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