Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

391. Olivia - Meeting III

Murmurs erupt all over the Inferno Room.

Ansel looks so... lonely on the dais.

I've asked him to let me stand beside him, but he told me it's something he has to do on his own. Bullshit! He's not alone in this. He has blood-brothers. He has me!

I should have never agreed to this meeting or let Ansel expose himself like this in front of everyone. He did nothing wrong. No one understands Ansel as I do.

He left his old life behind when he chose to save the one who was meant to be my Guardian. After we returned from Malta, I had several conversations with Ansel. He told me about Andy and how they became one. How he started falling in love with me even before we met. How everything was so confusing to him, how he had to fight his inner demons. Why he had to stay away from me even when he knew of his duty.

I had to make it clear once more that I never blamed him, Tyson or Rueben for what happened to me. On the contrary, if I had been more mature and trusted Tyson or my grandparents more, things might have been different. But I'll never know that, so dwelling on the past is a waste of time. I can only learn from my mistakes so I won't repeat them.

Ansel traces the scar on his chest. When I first saw it, I thought that he had had heart surgery, but it is only now that I learn about Nephilims not having a heart. How awful. Ophyr took that part from them, not wanting the Nephilims to have any sort of feeling-the perfect soldiers.

No wonder Ansel is so good at keeping his emotions in check. He had centuries or more of practice.

Several Lords stand. "If he's a Nephilim, why was he allowed in here? Better yet, why isn't he in the Catacombs?"

A chill runs down my spine. Ansel barely made it out alive from the Catacombs the first time he was there. The sound of his wings being ripped from his back still echoes in my ears.

My darkness rises, ready to protect Ansel from any harm. Ready to protect those I love from anyone who wants to harm them.

The Lord keeps talking. "He's a danger to all of us!" one of them says.

He has no idea what danger means.

"I am no longer a Nephilim but a Lord. I still have the memories of my past life, although some are confusing, but I no longer have an immortal body or the ability to steal divine power from demons or angels," Ansel explains. More murmurs rose in the air. "If you wonder about what I just revealed, let me tell you another thing: Nephilims fight dirty. They have no code, no honor, no shame. Their only purpose is to destroy everything God created." "Why?"

Why indeed. No matter how much I asked, Ansel couldn't reveal much about Ophyr.

Ophyr made sure the Nephilims never knew the entire truth about the hate toward everything God created. They were only told that everything became evil and turned their backs on their creator. It was a source of constant pain for God, whose heart was broken by his creation, who no longer believed in him. The Nephilims were the ones who would put an end to the corruption by destroying everything.

"Because Ophyr wants to restore everything to how it was in the beginning," Ansel replies.

Mose snorts softly. "In the beginning, it was nothing but God. Why would the Nephilims want to restore everything to the original state? Unless Ansel is not telling the entire truth." Mose still doubts Ansel.

I glare at him. Despite him being a snitch, I kept my mouth shut about what he did with the condition that he leave Ansel alone. Since he is not about to keep his end of the bargain, I might as well take matters into my own hands.

Mose won't stop being spiteful toward Ansel, who did nothing to him until I teach him a lesson. I'll kick him in the ass and even tie him with those ropes of his that he has promised to use on me when he shows me how much he loves me and restrain him against a tree for a day or two or for however long it will take him to realize what an ass he is. Maybe I should let Juniper kick his balls a few times. Rueben runs the tips of his fingers up and down my right thigh.noveldrama

"In the beginning, you weren't such an asshole," I mutter. Mose's chair is close to Rueben's and I don't doubt that he heard me even if he pretends otherwise. Rueben's hand pauses. "What did I do now?" he asks.

"I wasn't referring to you," I quickly reply. I keep my voice low, not wanting everyone to listen to what I say to my men.

"Oh? Then who were you thinking about while in my arms?" Rueben inquires.

When I don't come up with a quick reply, I press my lips against Rueben's. His kiss is almost desperate, pleading with me for more. I never thought I would end up loving Rueben so much. Not the way I do now. All the fear I once had of Rueben turned into love and happiness.

I once wanted him to kill me, but now I want to live with him and the others, with the family we all made together.

Even with Mose, who's a mama's boy. But I'll cut the umbilical cord myself. No wonder Grandma Khloe used to say that a man will let go of his mom's tit the day he starts sucking on his wife's tit. Mose is like that. "The only men on my mind are my bondeds," I assure Rueben.

He seems happy with my reply, so I turn my attention back to Ansel. His wings are spread wide as he says, "Ophyr destroyed too much. The time to end what Pandora started and to stop the Nephilims has finally come. I will share everything I know about how Nephilims can be killed."

"How can we be sure you are telling us the truth?"

Ansel seems to have prepared for this question, replying quickly, "If my years of loyalty are not enough, nor all the missions I took part in, then my family will vouch for me."

Eyes turn to us. I stand.

I'm not the only one. Rueben, Tyson, Jasper, and even Mose do the same.

It's not only us who trust Ansel but his friends as well. Alekos and his blood-brothers, Rin, and many more show their support. It brings a smile to his face. It's the first time since Malta that I've seen him relieved. It must be from seeing how many have his back.

It would be better if Jasper spoke, but maybe my words will weigh more. "I don't blame any of you for doubting Ansel. Not in these difficult times. After all, it's not every day that one of ours," men speak among themselves, wondering what I mean by 'ours' when I'm a Duchess, but I don't bother correcting them, "reveals that he used to have ties with one of our enemies."

I don't reveal that Ansel used to be the general of Ophyr's army. If he hasn't mentioned it, it is for a reason.

"It's more than ties. He is one of them! How could a demon choose him as a vessel?"

"I don't have a demon. I am one! Or used to be part demon since all Nephilims are made from demons and angels. This is why Nephilims are so strong."

I have known Ansel since the day Jason almost killed him and Rueben. It took me a bit by surprise and I even said as much.

I didn't expected that. That's what I told him back then.

Knowing that there's no way to convince everyone that Ansel is a Lord without proof, I go to the dais. The Elders glare at me, probably thinking I'll put on another sex show for them, but don't dare to try to stop me since they know it's useless. My powers would tie them to their chairs in mere seconds.

When I stand next to Ansel, with the help of my darkness, I make a small cut in his palm and show everyone the blood dripping from his skin. "If he bleeds like us and for us, I say he's one of us!"

"You were a pornai for the Dukes. Of course, you would side with Ansel after he took you in."

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