
Dating 19

When we got to the top of the mountain, I turned to Liam, my eyes boring into him, “Look, Liam, I want you to remember, that not everybody is excellent at everything.” My voice was shaky as the cold swallowed my body.

I wish it was just the cold that I was worried about.

Being up at the top of the slope reminded me how horribly everything had gone the last time I was here with Noah. I just really hoped that I wouldn’t feel the same way again.

Liam looked at me with patience, “Ella, I alrearly told you. You don’t have anything to worry about. We’re going to take this nice and slow.” Liam grabbed my hand in his. “You remember how to slow down and stop, don’t you?”

I nodded. “Toes pointed towards each other,” I said. I remember when the ski instructor had taught me that move on the bunny slopes last time. It had been very helpful because even at the tiny level. I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to gain


Liam nodded, “Perfect. You’re a natural already. Just hold onto my hand and don’t let go.”

Liam and I headed down the slope slowly. Immediately my heart started to beat faster. But it was as if Liam could hear the shift within me. He held on tighter. After a few seconds, we started to move a little faster. But I lost control and started to


All of a sudden, I fell, taking Liam down with me. I fell right on top of his body, as he absorbed the full weight of me.

Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” I said.

“That’s totally fine, Ella. I mean, what do they say, you have to break a few eggs to make one tasty ass omelet,” Liam said, grinning.

I looked at him, totally surprised. He hadn’t yelled at me in frustration the way Noah had that one time that I made him lose his balance and fall on the slopes.

“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” I asked.

“Of course not, why would I be?*

“I don’t know, I guess because I’m slowing you down. And I made you fall,” I said, already getting embarrassed.

Liam laughed, “Ella, it’s not like I’m expecting you to be some Olympian level skier. We’re here to have fun. And really, I’m just glad I get to spend some time with you.”

Liam’s words were so sweet and really started to sooth my worry

I nodded, “Okay, I’m ready to keep going.”

Liam stood up and when he was standing, he reached his hand out. I grabbed it and felt the powerof him as he pulled me to my feet in one quick movement.

Again, Liam held my hand, and we continued down the slope. This time we moved a little faster. And when I felt that I was more comfortable on my feet, 1 let

  1. go.

The breeze feli so cool and comforting against my face. I tried to remember the rules that I had learned the last time I was on the slopes. But this time I was able to join them with what Lim had taught me.



Back straight, legs slightly bent, look just ahead, not at your feet. These were the instructions that he had given to me.

I couldn’t believe how good a teacher Liam was. He was patient as he went over the tips for skiing. Everything he’d taught me was what was helping me to stay standing.

I started picking up even more speed and felt my legs start to wobble. But Liam’s strong arms held onto my lower back just before I fell this time. His hands felt warm and steady against my back. I gained my balance and continued skiing

I didn’t know how he was able to help me while staying steady of his feet. It was then that I realized just how amazing of an athlete Liam was, in more areas than I’d thought. I knew that he was practically a God on the hokey field. But here he was, just as good at skiing.

This only made him sexier to me.

I was near the bottom of the slope now. I was so close I could taste it. I bent my knees to go a little bit faster until finally. finally, I crossed the finish like.

“I made it!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I turned and found Liam right beside me, grinning. “You are such a badass, Ella,” Liam said, excitement in his eyes.

1 gazed back up at him, my heart pounding. All sorts of emotions coursed through me as I realized that this was the first time that I was able to successfully ski all the way down the slope All thanks to Liam. noveldrama

I grinned, “Thank you.”

The bottom of the mountain was nothing like the top. At the top, the werewolves had started in their human forms so that they could ski down the slope. But down here, at the bottom, there were werewolves in wolf form everywhere.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Wolves of all sizes and colors playfully played with one another. Nearby a huge brown wolf pounced on a slightly smaller wolf with an auburn–colored coat. I couldn’t believe how beautiful these werewolves looked.

Instantly, my werewolf envy started to rise in me. Growing up, I’d always wished that I too was a werewolf. It wasn’t just because I had felt what it was like to be a basic human girl. How werewolves ignored me or even worse, mocked me.

I wanted to be a werewolf so that I could transform into these amazing creatures that were the most beautiful beings I had

ever seen.

I turned and caught Liam gazing at me, a peculiar look on his face, “You really love seeing these wolves, don’t you?”

I nodded, “There’s something just so…majestic about werewolves in their wolf form. But of course, you already know,” I said. Liam grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief, “You want to see my wolf form?” he asked softly.

My eyes widened at his suggestion. I couldn’t believe what Liam was asking. In a way, it almost felt like more intimate than the night we had spent together.

Werewolves didn’t just let any human see them in their wolf form. There had to be a connection, a special bond that had formed or was already forming. Was he really sure that he wanted me to really see him like that? I didn’t want Liam to feel like just because we had this fake relationship arrangement going on, he had to show all of himself to me.


Before I could reassure him that he didn’t have to show me his wolf form, leaped back and started to transform right before my eyes. His body contorted and stretched, muscles rippling beneath his skin. Slowly, slowly, silver fur started to sprout over his body.

Watching Liam transform was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen in my life as he grew bigger and bigger. And then within

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a few minutes, Liam had was standing before me in his majestic form, a massive silver wolf. His same piercing blue eyes. searched my face.

I couldn’t believe that I finally got to see Liam in all his full glory

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