A Gamma's Revenge (Zalia)

A Ga 58

Chapter 58 Out Of Sight Liam's p.o.v.

I keep listening as Eryx is talking about what he hopes will be in those safes, but I can tell that Ammon and Asha are having a discussion through their mind-link and suddenly Ammon's face pales. Looks like Asha had been paying attention and from the looks of it she warned Ammon, I am curious how he is going to address this. I watch them from the corner of my eyes as I listen to Eryx and Sila debating about what he could be hiding in those safes.

Asha's face becomes angrier the longer their discussion lasts and I am afraid Ammon is going to find out that you should never piss off your Mate, "Liam, I need guard to escort me to the Beta floor. I will be spending the night there and hopefully by morning my Mate realizes he is an Ass." Asha says as she gets up and walks out of the living room. I call in a guard I know will keep Ammon away from Asha for a night, but I also make sure he knows not to disobey his Prince openly.

A few minutes later she walks into the living room with a bag in her hands and Ammon sits on the couch with his arms folded across his chest, the others look from Asha to Ammon and back to me to see what is going on. I just shrug my shoulders because I am not going to enlighten them, Ammon and Asha can take care of themselves and I know they will make up in the morning. "Asha, why are you leaving?" Sila asks and Asha gives her a murderous look.

"Why don't all of you go over every word that was said before Deimos walked out and see if you can figure out for yourselves why I might be pissed off?" She answers Sila with a question of her own and I have to stifle a smile at how she dodged that question, Asha remembers what Axelle had said seven years ago. The guard walks out of the door with Asha, the moment the door closes behind them Ammon starts pacing the floor and out loud he goes over everything that was said.

"Liam said that what was said here couldn't be repeated that is what protocol states when we are conducting an investigation. No one outside the Royal family gets informed about what we uncover and we all know why that was made a part of protocol. Benjamin needed to know that this couldn't be repeated to anyone and it was his choice to walk away, no one made him leave. Deimos didn't want to keep secrets from his Mate and left for that reason.

No one told Deimos that he had to leave, Dad just pointed out that no one outside the Royal Family gets to hear this and then he gets upset while he knows protocol by heart." Ammon recounts what was said in big lines. "It was the first thing Eryx told me when we met, just before we heard... oh Fuck, that is why he

gor pissed. Don't you remember what happened when we met? Sila asks as she looks from Eryx to Ammon.

All of them stare at Alwin at the same time, but it seems as if he is unaware of what he did. "I did the same thing, didn't I?" Sila asks through the mind-link and I tell her that I am not sure if he would hold it against her. "You weren't there when Axelle had to listen to a raging Deimos for Alwin breaking protocol, all you were told was that the exception would count for Deimos and Leander in the future. Alwin on the other hand knows how close they came to losing their own Royal Gamma and their future Gamma." I explain.

Ammon tells us that his Father is on his own, "Mom can deal with this mess, but if it is costing me my Royal Gamma they can wait a long time before they can retire. I know I covered for Dad more than / should have, but that ends today." Amimon tells us through the mind- link, before he asks me if I can link his Mate to tell her that he is sorry for not listening to him and at first Asha doesn't open the link for me. I have to try two more times before I can tell her what happened here.

She tells me that she will link Ammon later herself, but that she is glad that they figured it out and that it doesn't surprise her that Alwin is still oblivious to what he might have done. "Tell Deimos / won't hold it against him if he walks, he has my full support no matter who he decides to do." Asha says before she breaks the mind-link and I tell Ammon through the mind-link not to worry about his Mate, before I excuse myself to

turn in for the night.

I walk into the room that belongs to Benjamin with my bag because I know Alwin won't look for me here, not that I expect him to come looking for me and I go through my evening routine before getting into bed. I link Deimos to find him still awake, I tell him what happened from the moment he left until I went to bed and as expected he chuckles when he hears Asha's words. "I sometimes wonder if outsiders would mistake Asha for Axelle's Pup instead of Ammon." I say.

mos and I talk for a few more minutes and after I promise him I will oversee the cataloging of the Alpha floor we say goodnight. It was an exhausting day and I am glad I am already in bed, because I doubt I would have made it if I hadn't.


I wake in the morning to feather light kisses being placed on my skin, but when I open my eyes I am confused because I am not in my own room on the Gamma floor and then I remember what happened last night. "Did you talk to your Dad?" I ask Deimos the moment we lock eyes and he has a rather unsettling look in his eyes, I wait for him to start talking but a menacing roar has us jumping out of bed. "That would be the Queen, she is probably pissed off at Alwin and he is undoubtedly still unaware of any wrong doings on his end." Deimos says as we get dressed.

Running out of the bedroom we are met by Leander and the girls, Dad tells us to get going and that he will follow us as soon as he is ready. Every Pack-member that isn't running border patrol is gathered outside the Pack-house and the Royal Guards keep them from entering the Pack-house, but they step aside the moment they lay eyes on Deimos and Leander. Deimos grabs my hand to pull me with him and Leander makes sure the girls get in by following behind them.

"They're in the Alpha office." One of the Omegas says, before she disappears into the kitchen and the look in her eyes told me that she is scared to death. We walk towards the office to find the door ajar and I stop Deimos from walking further, "I want to hear what he has to say for himself and what the others have to say. "I tell him through the mind-link. "Dad told me last night that win is the only one that doesn't realize what he did and they are sorry for not realizing it sooner.

Ammon even decided to not cover for his Father and I know he meant it, he knows how much I hated it that he would constantly cover for his Father." Deimos says through the mind-link and I tell the girls what Deimos told me. We wait outside the office to eaves drop on the conversation, or better put the shouting match, between Axelle and her Mate and I wonder what Axelle will do if Alwin keeps acting as if he did nothing wrong last night, I step a little closer to Deimos to prevent Goliath from pushing forward.noveldrama

"I followed protocol, Zalia isn't a member of the Royal Family and doesn't deserve to know what we uncovered so far. I hear Alwin say and I feel anger radiating from Deimos as Goliath tries to take-control, "Calm down, Goliath. I need you to leave Deimos in control, the need to hear what Ahwin has to say-Please, Goliath." I say to him as I let my hand run circles on his back, feeling that Goliath is still very present but backing down a little bit

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND. DID YOU FORGET WHAT HAPPENED WHEN AMMON AND-ERYX FOUND THEIR MATES?" Axelle roars and even though we are not in the room we all shrink back a little, "Fuck, how would it feel if we were in that office "Topaz asks me but I don't want to think about it, I think it is safe to say that the Queen's aura would affee me almost as much as it affects everyone around

1. me.

It is quiet in the office but I can hear Axelle breathing, she has trouble controlling her Lycan and we can hear her growling from time to time. Her growls become louder the longer it takes for Alwin to respond and I wonder how long it will take before she explodes gain, not really something I am looking forward to. However, Alwin deserves everything she dishes out him and I am glad that, for once, Ammon has

decided to take a step back.

"I know that I broke protocol back then and that is why made sure to follow protocol..." A mighty roar from Axelle interrupts him and I doubt he understands that he actually didn't follow protocol in this case, after all Axelle made it clear that I was allowed to hear everything because of what Alwin did seven years ago. "Axelle, Dear. Why are you so upset?" Alwin asks and again the office goes deadly quiet. "Seven years ago we almost lost our Royal Gamma because you broke protocol and how did I make sure that Liam didn't resign?" She asks in an ice cold voice.

"Fuck, I thought she tous scary when she roared but this is worse." Topaz mumbles in my head and I agree with her whole heartedly. "I don't know." Alwin replies and this time we don't hear anything but Deimos and Leander move to the door as one, showing us Axelle with her hand wrapped around Alwin's throat as Leander pushes the door open wide. No one makes a move as we all watch Axelle squeezing a bit harder, but not hard enough to make it difficult for Alwin to breath or answer her.

We all step into the office to see how this situation will develop and I wonder if Axelle would sideline her Mate if he doesn't come up with a fucking good excuse for his screw up, I would really like to know if she would take his powers as King away from him. I know an Alpha can determine that his Mate is not suited for her duties and powers as Luna, especially if she did something similar to what Alwin did and then she will only be Luna in name.


"What is she doing here?" Alwin asks as he looks at me and Axelle squeezes a little bit harder. He still has no fucking clue what he did wrong, would he be able to figure it out for himself if no one spelled it out for him. "She has every right to be here, Dad." Ammon says as he steps next to Deimos, but Alwin tries to shake his head and Axelle drops him to the floor. "Guards, take my Mate back to the Palace and confide him to our Quarters. Under no circumstances is he allowed to leave and someone will bring his meals up, other than that he will see no one until I return." She growls as she looks at Alwin.

He tries to say something but one look from Axelle shuts him up. "You broke protocol for Asha and Sila and the only reason Liam is still my Gamma is because I made the decision to allow Deimos and Leander to bring their Mate to meetings, even if they haven't marked one another. You broke the word I gave to Liam, You are constantly breaking protocol and You just crossed the line. Get him out of here." Axelle says and two Guards help him up from the floor, before they walk out of the office.

"Zalia and Deimos, I want to talk to the two of you. The rest of you get out, I am very disappointed in most of you and this will have consequences." She says before she looks at Ammon. "We will have a talk later and I suggest you start thinking about what that might be about. I thought you knew me better by now and still you allowed your Father to undermine me." She growls at him before two Guards walk in, they get orders to take Ammon to the living room and not to let him out of their sight.




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