The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 17- Liar, Liar Fur's On Fire-1

I was the first one off the golf cart when it was parked in Luca's three-car garage. Normally I would've stopped and gawked-probably also drooled at the charcoal gray Maserati Mc Stradale parked beside his SUV, but this time I was much too upset. I decided I'd drool over it later.noveldrama

I ran through the house with Luca calling out behind me. Barging straight into Luca's bedroom, I nearly knocked over his nightstand looking for his phone.

After discovering it wasn't there, I came close to strangling myself with the charger cord as I dropped to my knees and looked under the bed.

Groaning in annoyance, I stood back to my feet and began to flip the sheets, duvet, and pillows everywhere looking for it.

"What are you doing?" Luca asked half-running into the room.

"Shut up!" I said looking under a pillow after violently throwing the sheets off.

"No! Don't shut up! Tell me where your phone is!" I demanded.

Luca stood still and folded his arms across his chest, making his pectoral and bicep

muscles bulge against the white t-shirt he had on. It didn't help at all that the shirt he was wearing fit him perfectly and was, even better, v-cut.

Momentarily loosing my track of mind, I shook my head, knocking myself out of my daze.

"Tell me where it is!" I yelled again.

I stood to my feet on the bed, feeling somewhat taller and barely managed not to get

my head cut off by the ceiling fan that was spinning like a helicopter on crack.

"Get down, you're going to get hurt again," he said coming to edge of the bed and holding out his hand for me to take.

I meant to slap it away but he caught my wrist and pulled me backwards into his chest, my butt and legs hitting the bed.

Both his hands encircled my wrists and held my arms cross-body over my chest while

his arms pinned me against him, making it impossible to do hardly anything.

I kicked and thrashed against him. I put my legs on the bed and pushed us backwards

in attempt to throw him off balance and let me go but to no avail.

"You need to calm down, woman," he said, not even struggling to keep a firm hold around me.

"And you need to let me go!" I yelled.

I tried to kick my foot over my shoulder and kick him in the face but I missed my footing and only got it about shoulder-high.

"Are you seriously trying to kick me in the face- ow!"


After regaining my footing, I immediately slung my leg again over my head and my foot hit him straight in the nose.

Luca let go of me and stumbled backwards while I, who still had one foot in the air, lost my balance and fell hard on my tushie.

I stood up quickly to see Luca holding his nose with both hands. I momentarily felt

guilty but shrugged it off and charged at him, knocking him backwards into a chair. "Give me your phone!" I said.

I was practically groping the poor guy trying to see if his phone was on either of his pockets. Not that I think he really minded...

"You're not getting it!" Luca said pulling his hands away from his face and staring down

at his nose. He wiggled his nose around, looking like an adorable little bunny.

"I think you may have broken it," he said wincing.

"Your face is still perfect now where's the phone?" I said, getting irritated.

"You realize that you just managed to complement and threaten me all in the same sentence?" He asked.

"Give me your phone!"

"You're not getting it!"


"Because, I know what you're going to do with it!"

I ran and dramatically threw myself on the bed like a true Disney princess. I couldn't believe Luca wouldn't let me call Mady. I needed to talk to her. Needed to. I felt like I was going to throw up and then cry out every tear in my body.

"Please let me talk to her," I sobbed against the pillow.

It came out as a pathetic muffle. I heard the chair scoot and his chukka sneakers hit the floor as he walked towards the bed.

I didn't lift my head as he laid beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist and shoulders, pulling me to snuggle in his chest.

I didn't move my arms to return the hug, I was incredibly infuriated at Luca.

"I told you I don't like it when you're upset with me," Luca said kissing my hair.

"I'm not upset with you; I'm furious with you," I said through gritted teeth. Luca sighed and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

I hated acting like this towards him. However angry I ever got at Luca, I would always

be completely fine with him after no later than thirty minutes. I couldn't do that now. My best friend was probably in horrible pain right now, pain that I had caused her. It was eating away at my conscious and I needed to save her. At that moment, Luca was the only one that could help.

I had to call her, and I needed his phone to do that. The only way to get Mr. Stubborn's phone from him was to guilt it out, however hard it was for me.

"I can't let you call her, mio amore" he said. "You know that."

I clenched my jaw and tried to push him away.

"Why not?" I asked angrily. "Honestly, I don't see why you won't let me call her. She

helped you too, Luca. Why can't you be grateful?"

"I am grateful," he growled.

I glared up at him, silently giving him a warning that he needed to watch his tone. I wasn't about to let him growl at me, no sir.

"You're not calling her and that's final," he said firmly.

I gasped and closed my eyes tight to keep the flood of tears that had pooled in my

eyes from falling. A few rebel tears escaped and I wiped them away furiously.

Luca must've seen my tears because he pulled me in tighter. I gathered all my strength and pushed him away from me and sat up on the bed.

I got off the bed almost tripping on the duvet, but thankfully not- and stormed to the door.

"Where are you going?"

I didn't answer, only continued out the door with my jaw clenched shut and my eyes overflowing with tears.

I heard the creaking of the bed as Luca got out of it and followed me. I quickly began

to place one foot in front of the other, trying to get out of the house as fast as I could. "Carrie!"

I turned around with my hand on the doorknob of the front door. Luca was almost four feet away from me wearing a worried expression.

"Luca Ronan, if you follow me out this door, I won't come back!" I threatened opening the door.

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